Wednesday 17 November 2010

Start to film

Today we started filming Booty Call! We started to film the narrative side of the music video, creating an opening scene of us walking to a doorway before the song kicks in. Today was a great success as we got a lot done within the tiem limit with good footage. Next week we shall start to film the performance part of hte video.

Wednesday 3 November 2010

the storyboard

we planned our video by story boarding shots that we are considering to use in the video,

Tuesday 28 September 2010

looking at existing music videos

we look at existing videos so we get a idea of what ideas of shots and plans to make our video fit in the genre better.

the first song i looked at was -" 30h!3 - my first kiss"

the second song we i looked at was - "cee-lo green - forget you"

the third song i looked at was - "michael buble - just have'nt met you yet"

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Our time plan

this is our time plan. this tells us that we know what needs to be done and what needs doing at certain times. it helps us keep everything under control. it helps us keep on track and keeps us aiming at the deadline.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The song were performing

We have chosen to use the "Booty Call" song because it will be fun and a challenge to remake this video in our own style. We chose it because we all relate to the song as young friends having fun.
We have already come up with a few ideas to make a great video and we should enjoy creating our own version of this video.

Tuesday 13 July 2010


Today we had a go at making a really short film. The scenario was one word "suspicion". The plot was to film the character looking like he is being followed and he starts to run. He runs into a clothesline followed by another man in black, the film then ends. We thought it would be quick and easy to make but even with a short film there is a lot to plan, for example location, scenes, costumes, props, actors expressions and interpretation.

Friday 9 July 2010


We had a look at some unsigned bands on websites such as my space and youtube for a good song to make a music video to. We looked msotly at the unsigned band called " The Midnight Beast". We liked there music and we watched some of there youtube video's and thought it would be fun to cover, as well as being a challenge. We looked at most of there songs like; Booty Call, Ninja, les be freinds and hosue party. We picked Booty Call as we can make a video about a sleep over having fun. Myself and Sam will be starring in it with a few extras to help us out and together we will work well with the genre.

Thursday 8 July 2010

Media Brief

This year i decided to create a music video over a short film or trailer becasue i want a fun challenge and it will be different from the short film i made last year. We have already been looking at artists and finding some good songs. We are looking for unsigned artists with the songs which are easy to create a different type of video to. We will also look at signed artists to get a comparison of video's to make ours as professional as possible on a extremely low budget.